Almighty God Transforms Abram

Almighty God Transforms Abram: hand from heaven reaching down to man's hand on earth

We’re excited to share with you the third in our “Bible Study Series.”  Information presented herein will better prepare those who complete this study for the upcoming teaching: “Is It Foolishness or Faith? Part 2.” We urge you to use a hard copy of the Bible rather than a mechanical device to help you complete the following study.

Study Questions


  1. Who is the only woman in the Bible whose age at death is reported? ______________ (Genesis 23:1)
  2. What did God say about Sarai’s ability to have children? She was _________________ (Genesis 11:30)
  3. Who was the father of Abraham? _____________(Genesis 11:26)
  4. What does Joshua tell us about the religious beliefs of Abraham and his family? … ____________, the father of _______________, and the father of Nachor: and they _____________________________ (Joshua 24:2)
  5. Where was Abram born and reared? __________________ (Genesis 11:28)
  6. Complete the following verse: Thou art the LORD the God, who didst choose _____________, and broughtest him forth out of _____ of the Chaldees, and gavest him the name of ____________________. Nehemiah 9:7
  7. Who was Abraham’s sister? __________________(Genesis 20:2)
  8. Who was Abraham’s wife? _______________(Genesis 20:2)
  9. With whom did God first use the name Almighty? ______________(Genesis 17:1)
  10. When God introduced Himself as Almighty God to Abram, He immediately told Abram: … walk before me, and be thou ___________ (Genesis 17:1)
  11. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus tells believers the same thing: Be ye therefore _____________, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
  12. According to Andres Jukes (The Names of God), Almightiness reflects the power to carry out the will of God when man’s ability to do so is based upon faith in God rather than in self. It was when Almighty God spoke to Abram that God changed both the name of Abram and that of Sarai, his wife. Abram would now be called _________________ (Genesis 17:5) and Sarai would be called ______________.(Genesis 17:15)
  13. How old was Abram when God changed his name from Abram and Abraham? ___________ (Genesis 17:1)
  14. What same letter was added to each of Abram’s and Sarai’s names when their names were changed to Abraham and Sarah? _______.
The Hebrew for Jehovah, Sarah and Abraham
image of Hebrew text for Jehovah, Sarah, and Abraham
hand reaching down from Heaven to meet man's hand from earth

16. It was when Abram was 99 that God said: … I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be _____________ (Genesis 17:1) The Almighty God would become Abram’s strength rather than his own. This transformation from doing things his ways (that is, to believe and follow what God said) would enable Abram to receive God’s blessings. Abram would, over the next ten years, die to his flesh and submit to God by obeying God.

God’s “hand” was reaching down to bless Abraham. However, it was up to Abram to take hold of God’s hand. Only then would it be possible for Abram to do as Almighty God instructed him to do: … walk before me, and be thou perfect. Each of us must learn the same thing if we want God to perfect us—to transform us into His image.6

17. But without ____________ it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

18. Abram had to get to the point in his walk with the LORD that he was FULLY persuaded that what God said would come to pass. This would not be because of Abram’s efforts but because of his faith in the fact that God would do what He promised. There is additional insightful confirmation from the New Testament: He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he [God] had promised, he was able also to perform. (Romans 4:20-21)

Some might consider it to be trivia; however, the following facts are shared about how God utilizes His name Almighty in the Bible. It’s important not to overlook subtleties invested in every word of God. Almighty is one of several names by which God reveals Himself to man in the Scriptures.

19. What are the only two books in the New Testament in which the name Almighty is used? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye ____________, saith the Lord, … and I will receive you, And will be a __________ unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord ___________________ (2 Corinthians 6:17-18). I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the __________________.(Revelation 1:8)

20.  Almighty is used in only _______ New Testament books: Second Corinthians and Revelation. Almighty is used 57 times in the Bible, including 31 times in Job and eight times in Revelation.

If you study each of the times Almighty is used, you may see a pattern of how the name Almighty reveals a particular attribute of God that differs from the other titles of God. Notice especially Genesis 17:1, 28:3, 35:11, and 48:3-4.

After you have studied the above information, complete the puzzle below. An online version is supplied by clicking on this link:


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In Christ’s Service,

Judith Brumbaugh

Crossword puzzle based on study questions